2013年,自主研发的油压减振器通过了铁道部产品质量监督检验中心机车车辆检验站的检测。 In 2013,Self-developed oil-pressure damper has passed the inspection of the Ministry of Railways product Quality supervision and inspection center; 2013年,自主研发的油压减振器取得郑州机务段、沈阳铁路局锦州机务段、西安机务段、北京车辆段、南昌铁路局福州车辆段、济南铁路局济南西机务段、成都资阳厂(出口南苏丹)等单位出具的型式试验报告。 In 2013,Self-developed oil-pressure damper obtained the type test report issued by Zhengzhou railway locomotive depot,Shenyang Railway Bureau Jinzhou locomotive depot,Xi 'an locomotive depot,Beijing locomotive depot,Nanchang Railway Bureau Fuzhou depot,Jinan Railway Bureau Jinan West locomotive depot,Chengdu Ziyang factory(export to South Sudan),etc. 2014年,通过四川省科技厅以西南交通大学教授钱清泉院士为主任委员的技术成果鉴定:“该项目总体技术水平居于国内领先,建议加快成果推广应用”。 In 2014,The oil-pressure damper has passed the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department to Southwest Jiaotong University professor Qian Qingquan as the chairman expert technical appraisal,The technology of this project is at the leading level in China,It is suggested to accelerate the popularization and application of the results; 2014年,减振器通过了业内专家产品评审,具备装车条件; In 2014,The oil-pressure damper has passed the industry expert product review,ready for installarion; 2014年,通过以中国航天第七院科技委罗光学研究员为组长的产品评:“具备了批量生产的质量保障及售后服务能力”。 In 2014,The oil-pressure damper has passed the product evaluation led by Luo Optics researcher of Science and Technology Committee of China Aerospace Seventh Academy: "With mass production quality assurance and after-sales service capabilities." 2017年,通过以西南交通大学车辆动力学专家、博士生导师池茂儒教授的产品评审会:“具备生产城轨减振器的能力”。 In 2017,The oil-pressure damper has passed the product review meeting of Professor Chi Maoru, an expert in vehicle dynamics and doctoral supervisor of Southwest Jiaotong University: "With the ability to produce urban rail damper". 2018年,通过中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司系列评审:“产品具备装车条件”。同年取得合格供应商资质。 In 2018,The oil-pressure damper has passed the series evaluation of CRRC Changchun Railway Bus Co., LTD. : "The product has the conditions for loading". Obtained qualified supplier qualification in the same year. 2018年,取得25G(B)型客车转向架油压减振器统型图纸。 In 2018,Obtained 25G (B) model bus bogie oil-pressure damper type drawings. 2019年,取得大功率交流传动电力(和谐)机车油压减振器C6维修资质; In 2019,Obtained high power AC drive electric(CHR) locomotive damper C6 maintenance qualification; 2019年,出口韩国工程车的油压减振器,取得出口批量供货业绩。 In 2019,Export of dampers for Korean engineering vehicles,Achieved export volume delivery performance. 2019年,取得HXD3、HXD3C车型C6修的油压减振器维修资质。 In 2019,Obtained the oil-pressure damper maintenance qualification for C6 repair of HXD3 and HXD3C models. 2020年,取得机车车辆油压减振器批量维修业绩。 In 2020,We achieved the bulk maintenance performance of oil-pressure damper for rolling stock. 2020年,取得城轨车辆油压减振器批量维修业绩。 In 2020,We achieved batch maintenance performance of oil-pressure damper for urban rail vehicles. 2023年,完成中国铁建高新装备股份有限公司大型养路机械系列油压减振器新造研发并通过装车评审。 In 2023,We completed the new research and development of China Railway Construction High-tech Equipment Co., LTD. Large-scale road maintenance machinery series oil-pressure damper and passed the loading evaluation. 2023年,完成中国铁建高新装备股份有限公司大型养路机械电液伺服阀维修研发并通过装车评审。 In 2023,We completed the research and development of large-scale track maintenance mechanical electro-hydraulic servo valve of China Railway Construction High-tech Equipment Co., LTD., and passed the loading review. 2023年,完成中国铁建高新装备股份有限公司大型养路机械系列油压减振器维修研发评审并通过装车评审。 In 2023,We complete the China railway construction in high-tech equipment co., LTD., are the mechanical series oil-pressure damper maintenance r&d evaluation and accreditation through loading. 2023年,完成中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司成都地铁30号线油压减振器新造研发。已进入批量供货阶段。 In 2023,We completed the new research and development of oil-pressure damper for Chengdu Metro Line 30 of CRRC Changchun Railway Bus Co., LTD. We have entered the stage of mass delivery. |